
Key for the way to Paradise
Enemy of Islam religion: They are propagating lies concocted by spies. Saying that they will make reforms in the religion, they want to defile lSLAM. On the other hand, two other great enemies, namely ignorance and laziness, act as encumbrances against being wise and following lSLAM and, thus, differentiating between right and wrong, good and bad.
Thought for the day
Disbelievers, that is, non-Muslims, imitate their parents and teachers and do not follow the rules.

How to Approach Allah
True Muslim (Ahl as-Sunnat) should owing to their correct Iman which they have acquired from the knowledge coming from sahabat al-kiram (radiy Allahu anhum) and the imams of Madh-habs.
We owe hamd (praise) and thanks to Allahu ta ala. Ya Rabbi protect us from shayyatan whispers and temptations. Amin




Am ABIODUN NASRUDEEN SHOLABI convener of lslam religion Advisory watsapp group/ miftah ul Janna online islamic deen propagation and Dua humanitarian charity gro